Owatonna, Minn
April 13, 1871
Dear Dr.,
Friend Case writes me that Mr. McKinsey is helping him in
the spring work . Can’t you find a
better boy? I don’t care to have him on
my premises in my absence. I don’t want
the farm turned into a “reform school” unless I am there to look after the
rogues. I wish Frank well but don’t’
want him on the farm . I don’t want any
unpleasantness with John McKinsey so please send a boy in his stead that will
not be an eye servant. I want to settle
all my _____ to you and have you give a willing ear. Then first relieve Frank by an approved
boy. Our German Frank is a good boy
. I have engaged him at what was
thought a fair price by John S. Melvin
who had seen him work through the winter .
Mr. Case writes that the interested neighbors think my
business needs their attention. Think
he is working to cheap and tell him so.
If you find any such crackers I wish you would short them off. If my business is meddled with by outsiders
I will pull up stakes and sell out the whole interest there in ___ &
leave. We are struggling to help ourselves in the community
where we have located but we can’t meddled with our have our friends with whom
we are at peace tampered with and ___. I
want you to make a visit of observation at earliest moment & see how things
are going . I’ve faith in Mr. Case. He has begun the spring work well. I wish Tommy Summer could be relieved
some. I want to know that Mr. Case is not
grilled by any of the young fry.
We have seen five pigs for sale of good breed. The price at the river is $4 & $5. Please
advise Mr. Case to sell the most of them at best rates. The Chester White’s large size should bring a
good price. The late Chester White I
want to keep the most of them. Go and scrutinize
and report to me at Lanesboro, Minn by early mail. Help when the trees come.
Truly yours,
Asa B. Hutchinson
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