John Benjamin was born in England in 1823. In 1849, at the age of 26, he immigrated to America with the goal of seeking opportunities in the new world and improving the life of his family. During his immigration and eventual settlement in Hutchinson, Minnesota, John saved many personal letters that were written by and to him. These letters, the subject of this web site, bring to life his immigration and the life of others during this courageous adventure. The most recent letters posted on this sight are on this front page. To see all the earlier letters, keep pressing the “Older Posts” button on the bottom of this page. The earliest letter recorded here is June 20, 1849. The letters…………

Feb. 20, 1871 Asa Hutchinson to John Benjamin-1823

Winona, Minn
Feb. 20, 1871
Dear Dr. Benjamin,
Your letter of 6th inst came duly to hand forwarded from Lacrosse.
I will write Mr. Mims about the taxes.  Hope you have more snow for the work of marketing wheat, etc.  Have you arranged to have our wheat put in with W. L. Summers this winter?  I hope so and that you will have John lively now in transporting all but enough for sowings & for bread.  Sell all the old wheat, have it thoroughly winnowed and see if will not go for ___ extra.   
I never gave the Korolzke’s any liberty to pick up anything in our woods, knowing their tendency to take the live timber.  Please have them keep out, I‘ve lost their way all I wish to.  There are timber thieves in abundance “over there” and I hope you will punish them.  I will do my part towards bringing them to justice. 
Glad to hear that Bro Capp is moving toward the church building.   Won’t you get up a real meeting November drawing __ him & __ we will work in St. Paul & Minneapolis to get some aid.  With all doing something the house can go right along & be ready for dedication next July.  Wilbur Higgins is one of the committeemen & will take hold any time.  The building can be put up 1/3 cheaper to go at it now, to collect the material and have the church co secured by land by good title.   I hope there will be full serenity & harmony in going on with the church.
We shall be at St. Paul next Friday.  Pleased write us particulars.  What is the price of Timothy & Clover suds?  Have them any parties that want them.  (suds)  Please give all necessary information.   Please mention to R. Mims that I will settle all personal tax by 7th of March.   Hope he will make out extra expense. 
Yours truly,
Asa B. Hutchinson

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