Green Castle, Ind
Jan. 17, 1873
C. R. Mims,
My Dear Sir,
Enclosed I send you a draw of $555 & 3/100 dollars $555
& 3 cts which you may apply in the manner proposed. $55 & 3/100 for taxes. The $500 is to be loaned to Mr. John Benjamin
of Hutchinson of McLeod Co. with the following stipulations and agreement: He giving
a note $500 to run three years at 12 percent, semiannual payments payable in
New York City at a banking house which I shall designate. The note shall bear even date with a first
mortgage on his home farm of 100 or 160 acres on which he
resides given for security for the love of his money. The bond or deed given so
that I come in full possession of the property at the expiration of the time. So if necessary can collect the amt of the
property without any form of foreclosure.
No expense attending this matter
will be charged to me – you will act with that understanding. Mr. B will indemnify you and you will send
me with the note and mortgage a certificate from you that this is the first mortgage
on the said property and that he, Mr. B, has full right to act in the ____.
Please send me recpt of the taxes paid with the mortgage
recorded and note to No. 6 Wall St., New York care Ludlow Potter & Co., No.
6 Wall St. I thank you for the kindness
and trust we may meet you sometime and sing to you. Henry sends his regards.
Yours truly,
John W. Hutchinson
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