John Benjamin was born in England in 1823. In 1849, at the age of 26, he immigrated to America with the goal of seeking opportunities in the new world and improving the life of his family. During his immigration and eventual settlement in Hutchinson, Minnesota, John saved many personal letters that were written by and to him. These letters, the subject of this web site, bring to life his immigration and the life of others during this courageous adventure. The most recent letters posted on this sight are on this front page. To see all the earlier letters, keep pressing the “Older Posts” button on the bottom of this page. The earliest letter recorded here is June 20, 1849. The letters…………

Nov, 23, 1874 Edwin Benjamin-1833 to John Benjamin-1823

Nov. 23, 1874
Dear John,
I have just got home after a ride in a very cold wind storm.   I was quite cold and so was Price who rode home with me.  And my folks just handed me your letter dated the 19th.   I suppose that you had not received my letter although I think that perhaps it was not time for I did not receive the money that I expected to, so I sent you what I had hoping that you received it all right. 
I think the money is going to be very hard to get this winter.  I am using a good deal of money just now too to pay for some models and patterns.  I am about taking four different patents out and of course it all costs money but will get it all back soon.  I am going to help you for all that just as fast as I get my money, but of course you must have a little patience for a little while and it will be all right. 
I shall expect to hear from you soon again and if you have got a tub of butter ready I wish you would send it to me for I want it for old Mr. Goodwillie. He wants me to get it for him very much and I would like to please him for he has been a good friend to me, etc. 
Richard was here yesterday to make or consult us about getting married Christmas and wants his money that I owe him, and of course I told him he should have it.  I suppose he will write to you about it soon.
Frances Jones, Louisa’s girl, has been here this week to help Frances and she has had so much to do that she had to have some help to do it.
I must close for tonight in love to you all hoping that this will find you feeling somewhat better than when you wrote on the 19th and that your eyes may be restored to their usual health for you know that green backs are good for the eyes.   Hoping to hear from you soon. 
From yours affectionately,
PS – I spoke to Richard about getting his picture to send you and he said the next time he was home that he would have them taken and I should have them to send you. 

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