Sept. 11, 1875
Dr. Benjamin
Dear Sir,
Your favor relative to land passage tickets received &
noted with thanks. I have just written
to headquarters and got the following answer: “Our cabin rates are per enclosed
sheets – cabin passengers are furnished everything except wines and liquor which
can be provided on board at reasonable rates.
Twenty feet of luggage is allowed free on the ship and excess to be paid
for at regular freight rates. By rail
from New York, every adult is allowed 100 pounds free and over rate is paid for
at the rate of about $6.00 for 100 pounds from New York to Glencoe. The price for a first class ticket from New
York to Glencoe is $36.00”.
Hoping that our rates are equal to any other line and as
cheap or cheaper than can be bought in London or Liverpool. We remain,
Yours truly,
Knights & Dean
You want to allow for the difference between gold and currency. Ours are currency rates and those in England
are gold rates.
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