Minneapolis, Minn
Dec. 15, 1875
Dear Elizabeth,
I arrived here last evening at 6 PM. Today attending the meeting of the Grange
& have been highly placed with the meeting, more especially this evening when
our state Master delivered a most excellent address after which the meeting adjourned
to 9 o’clock tomorrow AM.
The butter I have had no time to sell to it as yet, but
expect to sell at the Nicholet House. I shall try to come home on Friday along
with Sam Stocking. At any rate do not
make any other arrangements until you hear from me. Hoping that Bryon [son Albert Byron] is much
better & that all the rest is well. Shall
have no time to write to Ried. 10 PM.
Most truly yours,
Dec. 15, 1875
Dear Elizabeth,
I expect to leave here on Friday AM for Glencoe & shall
come home along with S. Stocking. I have
a very interesting time of it until this evening when I could not be admitted into
the hall to receive the 5th degree which was to have been conferred, only
Masters & past Masters being admitted.
Minneapolis is full of butter, almost impossible to dispose
of butter at any price. I have not been able
to sell mine as yet but shall once more by Mr. Field tomorrow. I wish I could hear from Edwin whether he
can do anything with it or not. However
I must do something with it tomorrow at some price.
The Stall Grange received a very cordial invitation this
afternoon to visit the State University tomorrow which they accepted.
Tell the boys to get ready for butchering the hogs on
Saturday. Pork is from 6-8 cents per pound,
beef from 4-6 cents & butter from 25 to 40 cents, & city full of it
& a very ___ sale.
There is quite a number ready to take hold of our hay operation
& will handle it for us without any trouble. It can be sold in this city for a good price
& leave us a good margin of profit.
Hoping that all are well & that I shall meet you on
Friday evening all right. I have had no
time to write to Richard as yet – shall write to him when I get home.
Mr. Field is not very well this evening.
Most truly yours,
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