Sandwich, Ill
Jan. 15, 1881
J. Benjamin
Dear Sir,
Your postcard of 10 at hand.
We mail you circulars of our windmills etc. and enclose you price list
herein. If you consider purchasing a
windmill we would be glad to sell you one of ours & can guarantee you
satisfaction as we have the finest arranged mill on the market. As we have no agent in your section we can
give you the benefit of wholesale prices.
This for a 10 ft. windmill is 40% & 10% off list or $40.80 net
cash. We can send you full directions so
you can push it up without difficulty.
We warrant our mill in its broadest manner and we hope to have your
order. Anything in the pump line we can
also furnish at low rates.
Yours truly,
Wm. Radley
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