Minneapolis, Minn.
Dec. 10, 1889
Dear Mother,
I have not received a letter from any of my relatives since
I have been ___ this time. Why don‘t
some of you write? I wrote nearly a week
ago and have had no reply.
I have changed places into Healy. I room with Cotton at __ and will work for my
board where he was staying. Farncine
(guess that is the way they spell their name) is where I am. The reason we changed was because on account
of a few petty ___ they found in Healy and they said they liked me better.
There is quite a lot of work to do here. Two furnaces to take care of, taking an hour
in the morning and same at night. Also wood
to split for one cook stove and __ 800 ft. of sidewalks and paths to keep clean. Also errands and other odd jobs to see
to. I have to do more than work to do
all the work and do justice to my studies, yet I get first class board & a
good room. The people are well off. Live in a very large stone house, but are too
I will not be able to come home during Christmas so I think
I best put in what time I can at dissecting so as to get through as soon as possible. I will have to have a skull cap and a thick
linen duster or a rubber coat would be best.
I will also have to pay $10.53 for a part and $2.50 for a dissecting
I got the money from Bain for the tow tubs of butter and after paying $9 for my instruments and $1.00 for room rent at Bains I have left now $.50, enough for case. If there is any rubber coat or thick linen duster that will fit me and a skull cap send them by mail. The coat or duster should fit and not be too big. What will I do for the $10.00? I have had no time to go downtown for anything. Am busy every moment. Had to study most of Sunday. I have a final exam in skeletons next week. Haven’t time to write more – write soon.
726 2nd Ave., So. Minneapolis
Bain says he wants the butter right along.
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