John Benjamin was born in England in 1823. In 1849, at the age of 26, he immigrated to America with the goal of seeking opportunities in the new world and improving the life of his family. During his immigration and eventual settlement in Hutchinson, Minnesota, John saved many personal letters that were written by and to him. These letters, the subject of this web site, bring to life his immigration and the life of others during this courageous adventure. The most recent letters posted on this sight are on this front page. To see all the earlier letters, keep pressing the “Older Posts” button on the bottom of this page. The earliest letter recorded here is June 20, 1849. The letters…………

April 13, 1890 Olive Benjamin Bacon-1864 to Family

Roseland, La
April 13, 1890
Dear Mama, Winfred & Arthur & Oslagonians,
What a long time since I wrote you, but some way I did not want to write while Frank was there and acting mean.  We have talked of you all every day.  Do you hear from Frank?  I am so sorry he made it necessary for himself to leave, as it makes me homesick to think of the family in that way, but suppose it is all for the best.  If he only had a good wife I believe Frank would be a good boy.   How sorry, sorry we all are.  Hope he will be prosperous & happy in Nebraska.   I hope you hear from him.   What a time you must have had while Frank was packing.  
How pleased were we to hear from Arthur and that he would be home through the summer most of the time.   Suits you lots better, won’t it Winfred?  What a good time you boys will have together.  We can be happier when we know you are all well & happy.   Winfred has been a good faithful boy to his mother and we are all proud of him.  Mama, we all hope you are getting stronger now every day.  Take the best care of yourself. 
How is Mattie and the baby?  Hope Mattie is better & also baby.  What a grand time you all do have with that boy.   Wish we had him with us for a while.   Wouldn’t he have big times? 
Why don’t we hear from any of you?  Papa always worries if he don’t get a letter about once a week although we try to convince him if anything was wrong that someone would surely write.  We all feel more comfortable when we can have at least one letter every week and we do enjoy getting letters from all of you.  Write a little at a time & send it . 
Wasn’t it too bad Wesie’s ___ died?  We all felt so sorry.   Everything else seems to be thriving and we hope will continue to do so.    We are trying to get some garden in as the frost killed the other.  The boys did nicely with what radishes they had.  We have had just the best radishes & onions I ever ate & they all say so.  Did we tell  you that we had eaten all that flour George brought & now we have got a new barrel?  We are such big eaters and our taters are all gone.   Hope fruit will hurry up though guess we won’t have near as  much as last year.   Think the frost killed our fig trees & they did look so nice .  Pear tress & grapes growing finely. 
Will have to stop this time as the writing position makes my back ache so much.  Too much Easter service Howard says.    You know we had a little Easter service & all said it was nice.  Tell us what you all did.
With best love,

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