John Benjamin was born in England in 1823. In 1849, at the age of 26, he immigrated to America with the goal of seeking opportunities in the new world and improving the life of his family. During his immigration and eventual settlement in Hutchinson, Minnesota, John saved many personal letters that were written by and to him. These letters, the subject of this web site, bring to life his immigration and the life of others during this courageous adventure. The most recent letters posted on this sight are on this front page. To see all the earlier letters, keep pressing the “Older Posts” button on the bottom of this page. The earliest letter recorded here is June 20, 1849. The letters…………

Dec. 3, 1873 Asa Hutchinson to John Benjamin-1823

Caledonia, Ill
Dec. 3rd, 1870
Dr. John Benjamin, Hutchinson, Minn
Dear Dr.,
I hoped to hear from you at Rockford, Ill next Monday.  I want you to go regularly once a week and see how John is managing and give him instructions what to do to further the interests of his farm .  If he does not farm faithfully, I wish you to secure another man in his place and discharge him.  I want you to take two hours once a week to ___ matters attended to in first class order and I will pay you for your time & trouble. 
Pork is cheap and its tendency is further decline.  Have the twelve pigs slaughtered at earliest cold winter and either salt in it or purchase bbls. and pack it down for further rise and profit in our home market.  I hope John is plowing this pleasant weather.  Can we not secure another man at modest rates to either drive team or take care of stock & house , chop wood & split rails while John takes to teaming, bringing in first 2,000 feet of dry ___ ___ at Uncle George Barnesville mills, then logging at first snow?  Post & rail timber from my claim beyond you from school section near Remicks.  Our wheat ought to be all bundled and winnowed before long, preparative to moving to Dapell.  I only want to save enough for sawing 50 acres, and for bread for the family next year.  Does John economise in feeding the oats ?  Please restrict any lavish wants of oats or hay or anything else on the premises.  This pleasant weather I hope John is plowing and another man with him if possible.   
I am looking for a model barn down here and if I find it will send dimensions to you and have John get out the frame & ___ this winter.  Mrs. F.A. Summer will go and get tea etc. for John as he will need.   I hope he is not a wasteful man. 
Dr. please write me once a week of the state of things  on the farm & village & open your ledger & charge for each letter & trip and I will settle with you once a quarter. 
We had a successful trip all down our own state but are losing money in Wisconsin.  The times are awful here, the farmers have no wheat or potatoes and all trade is dull, duller, dullest. 
Write to care of Root & Cody, Chicago, Ill till further notice. 
Truly yours,
Asa B. Hutchinson
Dr., can’t you start up the church enterprise and get all engaged to do something ___ ___?  Consult Wilbur Higgins and Brother Copps.  We will work out ___.

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